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A fundraising event for:
Asheville Sister Cities Committees of
San Cristóbal De Las Casas, Chiapas,
and Valladolid, Yucatan
The Day of the Dead in Mexico is a holiday with complex Mayan and Aztec roots combined with Catholic and native customs that joyfully memorializes the dead ancestors. It is celebrated throughout the day and night. November 1st and 2nd. It is a very festive time when beloved family members, children, friends and even pets from the afterlife return to the land of living and are reunited with the living. Although close to Halloween, the Day of the Dead in Mexico is a colorful and joyful celebration welcoming the souls to be with the living.
Admission Includes
Food & Drinks
Traditional Dia de Muertos menu: Including Mole Negro, Cochinita Pibil, vegetarian tamales, Pan De Muertos and Mexican hot cocoa! 1 beverage ticket.
Face Painting & Photo Booth
Come dressed in costume. Face painting and headdresses will be available by donation.
Silent Auction
Headdresses will be for sale at the event.
Altars & Procession
Everyone attending the event is invited to bring a picture of a loved one, leave a prayer or an offering to place on the altars to honor those who have given us strength and love. We will have one altar for family and friends and one altar for pets. And there will be a candlelight procession at sunset honoring our Beloved Deceased.
Asheville is fortunate to have a local WNC Mexican organized cultural youth organization from the Emma area of West Asheville. The name of this performance troupe is Raices. Raices’ mission is to strengthen the cultural indigenous identity and traditions of US born children of Mexican descent, particularly of Hidalgo, Mexico. This area of Mexico is strongly represented in Asheville. These indigenous traditions and language of Otomi are slowly getting lost on their children growing up in modern American culture.
Therefore, Raices’ goal is to bring a positive influence in their children’s lives through the dance, art, and culture of Latin America. Composed of twenty 12–22-year-old youth, they will grace our Day of Dead fundraiser event in person with vibrant costumes and traditional Chiapan and Sinaloan dances.
If you wish to donate to the Valladolid School Project, the San Cristóbal de las Casas Sanitation Project, or both, click here and enter the purpose of your donation.
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Suggested Donations
Suggested donations for admission are listed with ticket sale prices. Please make donations online before October 29, 2023. Donations may also be made at the door by credit card only; no cash donations.
Volunteer Opportunities
There will be opportunities for volunteers to help with preparations. Contact Cathy Peerless cathypeerless@yahoo.com or Ann Hord-Heatherley outinjupiterfarm@gmail.com if you’d like to help.